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Excel 2013: Advanced
Course Code: AD646

Advanced Data Entry and Formatting Techniques
Restricting cell entries
Applying custom number formats
Applying Conditional Formatting

Naming Ranges
Defining a Range name
Using a Range name in a Formula
Selecting a Range name

Using Advanced Functions
Using the VLOOKUP function
Using the HLOOKUP function
Using DSum and DAverage functions

Creating a Custom Workbook Template
Creating and modifying a Template
Basing a new workbook on a custom Template

Auditing a Worksheet
Tracing Precedents and Dependents
Tracing Errors
Watch and Evaluate formulas

Linking Multiple Workbooks
Entering a formula to link multiple workbooks
Filtering and Summarising Worksheet Data
Adding Subtotals to a list
Applying an advanced Filter to a list
Outlining a worksheet

Analysing Data
Creating a Pivot table and Pivot chart
Creating and displaying a Scenario
Using the Analysis ToolPak
Using Solver

Importing and Exporting Data
Working with Excel and other Excel Users

Tracking changes
Sharing and Protecting workbooks
Merging revised copies of workbooks

Additional Advanced Excel Features
Using the Consolidation feature
Format Chart and Graphics
Modify File Properties
After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Importing and exporting data to and from Excel.
  • Use various functions including VLOOKHUP and HLOOKUP.
  • Create a workbook based on a template.
  • Utilise different protection options.
  • Audit workbooks.
  • Create a Pivot table and Pivot chart.
  • Link multiple workbooks through formulas.
  • Use DSum and DAverage functions.
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