fourth r computer training sydney melbourne central coast newcastle
Flash CS4: Advanced
Course Code: CT12-271

Vector illustration
Creating vector paths
Editing vector paths
Using mask layers
Using the pattern tools

Advanced animation techniques
Inverse kinematics
Shape tweens and animated masks
Filter animation
The Motion Editor

ActionScript animation
Programming principles
Event listeners and event handlers
Modular code
Special classes
The Debugger
Interactive techniques
Adding audio
Scripting a link to a Web page
Loading dynamic content

Flash video basics
Video in Flash files

Managing your Flash project
Image copyrights
Project management
Application planning
After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Create vector paths with the Pen tool; modify vector paths; and use paths to create mask layers.
  • Animate shapes with the Bone tool; apply shape tweening to morph one shape into another; animate masks to selectively hide moving areas; animate filters; apply custom easing to control the acceleration and deceleration of multiple animation properties; and save an animation as a motion preset.
  • Adjust movie clip properties with ActionScript 3.0; make a movie clip move in response to a button click; convert code created for a specific movie clip into modular code that can act on any movie clip; use the Document class and extend the MovieClip class; and use the Debugger to test scripts.
  • Use ActionScript 3.0 to add audio, create hyperlinks, and load dynamic content.
  • Use Adobe Media Encoder CS4 to convert digital video content; import a video file into Flash; adjust component parameters; and create code to respond to cue points.
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