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QuarkXPress 7: Basic
Course Code: CT12-760

Getting started
The QuarkXPress environment
Basic documents
Item positioning

Structuring multi-page layouts
Multi-page layouts
Master pages

Text box linking
Paragraph formatting
Style sheets

Working with tables
Table structure
Table formatting
Working with text and graphics
Text boxes
Grouped items

Finalizing documents
Commercial printing preparation
After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Identify components of the QuarkXPress interface, navigate in a layout, work with tools and palettes, use the Help system, set margin guides, insert and import text, insert and modify pictures, create custom colors, align and position elements, and create bleeds.
  • Create a facing-pages layout, insert pages, move items between layouts, create, edit, and apply master pages, and insert page numbers.
  • Flow text between text boxes, create continuation notices, set tabs and indents, create bulleted lists, apply keep settings, control paragraph formatting, use Find/Change to locate and edit content and formatting, and create and edit paragraph style sheets and character style sheets.
  • Create tables, convert text to a table, import data from an Excel file, adjust rows and columns, combine cells and apply cell color, modify shade and opacity, arrange text inside table cells, modify grid and frame attributes, and insert graphics in table cells.
  • Position text in text boxes, format box frames, add columns to text boxes, and lock their positions and contents; work with Photoshop images, adjust runaround settings, modify picture boxes and anchor boxes to text; group items and manipulate items within a group, create and manage layers, and assign items to layers.
  • Print documents, create print styles, export documents to PDF, and prepare documents for commercial printing.
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