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Exam 220-802

Troubleshooting basics
Troubleshooting methodology
The troubleshooting toolkit

Client operating systems
Comparing Windows editions
Configuring Windows Explorer
The Command Line utility

Configuring the operating system
System configuration tools
System information and monitoring
Task management
Configuration files

Configuring hardware settings
Device and hardware settings
Disks and partitions

Networking PCs
Creating network connections
Sharing files and printers
Remote connections

Authentication and user security
Users and authentication
Windows security policies
File system security

Securing systems and data
Identifying common threats
Physical security
Digital security
Data destruction and disposal
Malware detection and removal

Preventative maintenance
Performing backups
Disk maintenance
Updating software
Securing networks
Securing wired networks
Securing wireless networks

Troubleshooting system hardware
Troubleshooting core system elements
Troubleshooting storage devices
Troubleshooting laptop computers

Display and printer troubleshooting
Troubleshooting display issues
Printer troubleshooting

Network troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the physical network
Troubleshooting the logical network

Operating system troubleshooting
Startup and recovery tools
Troubleshooting Windows and application issues

Mobile devices
Comparing tablets and laptops
Basic features of mobile operating systems
Mobile networks and email
Methods for securing mobile devices
Synchronizing data

Operating system installation and upgrades
Preparing to install Windows
Windows installation
Windows upgrades and compatibility
After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Describe the CompTIA A+ troubleshooting methodology.
  • Understand client operating system use and interfaces.
  • Configure the Windows operating system.
  • Configure disks and other hardware devices in Windows.
  • Create network connections and shares.
  • Explain authentication and user security principles.
  • Identify common threats and secure computers and data.
  • Perform preventative maintenance on a PC.
  • Secure small office and or home office networks.
  • Troubleshoot hardware issues in desktop and laptop PCs.
  • Troubleshoot printers and display devices.
  • Troubleshoot physical and logical network connections.
  • Troubleshoot and repair Windows installations.
  • Use and configure mobile devices.
  • Install and upgrade Windows operating systems
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