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Fireworks CS5
Course Code: EK84-393

The Adobe Fireworks CS5 Environment
The Adobe Fireworks CS5 Interface
Customize the Interface
Use Fireworks Help
Explore the Adobe Bridge Workspace

Creating Shapes in a Document
Create a Document
Differentiate Between Raster and Vector Graphics
Draw Basic Shapes
Save a Document

Creating Vector Paths
Draw Paths
Modify Paths

Working with Text
Insert Text
Make Text to Flow on a Path
Convert Text to Paths
Import Text
Insert Special Characters

Working with Bitmap Graphics
Import and Resize Bitmap Graphics
Edit Bitmap Graphics
Working with Pages
Generate Pages
Create Layers

Working with Hotspots
Create Hotspots
Add Links to Hotspots

Creating Web Elements
Create Symbols
Create States
Slice an Object
Apply Rollover Effects

Finalizing Documents
Check a Document for Spelling Errors
Optimize Images
Export a Document

Organizing Assets Using Adobe Bridge
Customize the Adobe Bridge Workspace
Append Metadata to Assets
After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Get acquainted with Adobe Fireworks CS5.
  • Create shapes in a document.
  • Create vector paths.
  • Insert and manipulate text in a Fireworks document.
  • Work with bitmap graphics.
  • Enhance the objects in a drawing.
  • Work with pages in a document.
  • Create hotspots for images and link the images to web pages.
  • Create web elements.
  • Finalize a document.
  • Organize creative assets using Adobe Bridge.
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